বন্ধুর বাড়ি আমার
বাড়ি মধ্যে
ক্ষীর নদী,
উইড়া যাওয়ার সাধ
ছিল, পাঙ্খা
দেয় নাই
বিধি |
--- রাখালী গান
এই এক গাঁও,
ওই এক
গাঁও --- মধ্যে
ধু ধু
ধান কাউনের লিখন
লিখি করছে
নিতুই পাঠ
এ-গাঁও যেন
ফাঁকা ফাঁকা,
হেথায় হোথায়
গাছ ;
গেঁয়ো চাষীর ঘরগুলি
সব দাঁড়ায়
তারি পাছ
ও-গাঁয় যেন
জমাট বেঁধে
বনের কাজল
ঘরগুলিরে জড়িয়ে ধরে
বাড়ায় বনের
মায়া |
এ-গাঁও চেয়ে
দিকে, ও-গাঁও এ-গাঁর পানে,
কতদিন যে কাটবে
এমন, কেইবা
তাহা জানে!
মাঝখানেতে জলীর বিলে
জ্বলে কাজল-জল,
বক্ষে তাহার জল-কুমুদী মেলছে
শতদল |
এ-গাঁর ও-গাঁর দুধার
হতে পথ
দুখানি এসে,
জলীর বিলের জলে
তারা পদ্ম
ভাসায় হেসে!
কেউবা বলে --- আদ্যিকালের
এই গাঁর
এক চাষী,
ওই গাঁর এক
মেয়ের প্রেমে
গলায় পরে
ফাঁসি ;
এ-পথ দিয়ে
একলা মনে
চলছিল ওই
ও-গাঁর মেয়ে
আসছিল সে
এইখানেতে এসে তারা
পথ হারায়ে
জলীর বিলে ঘুমিয়ে
আছে জল-কুমুদীর গায়ে
কেইবা জানে হয়তো
তাদের মাল্য
হতেই খসি,
শাপলা-লতা মেলছে
পরাগ জলের
উপর বসি
মাঠের মাঝের জলীর
বিলের জোলো
রঙের টিপ,
জ্বলছে যেন এ-গাঁর ও-গাঁর বিরহেরি
দীপ !
বুকে তাহার এ-গাঁর ও-গাঁর হরেক
রঙের পাখি,
মিলায় সেথা নতুন
জগৎ নানান
সুরে ডাকি
সন্ধ্যা হলে এ-গাঁর পাখি
পানে ধায়,
ও-গাঁর পাখি
আসে বনের
কাজল ছায়
এ-গাঁর লোকে
নাইতে আসে,
লোকেও আসে
জলীর বিলের জলে
তারা জলের
খেলায় ভাসে
এ-গাঁও ও-গাঁও মধ্যে
ত দূর
--- শুধুই জলের ডাক,
তবু যেন এ-গাঁয় ও-গাঁয় নেইকো
কোন ফাঁক
ও-গাঁর বধু
ঘট ভরিতে
যে ঢেউ
জলে জাগে,
কখন কখন দোলা
তাহার এ-গাঁয় এসে
লাগে |
এ-গাঁর চাষী
নিঘুম রাতে
বাঁশের বাঁশীর
ওইনা গাঁয়ের মেয়ের
সাথে গহন
ব্যথায় ঝুরে!
এ-গাঁও হতে
ভাটীর সুরে
কাঁদে যখন
ও-গাঁর মেয়ে
বেড়ার ফাঁকে
বাড়ায় তখন
কান |
এ-গাঁও ও-গাঁও মেশামেশি
কেবল সুরে
সুরে ;
অনেক কাজে এরা
ওরা অনেকখানি
দূরে |
এ-গাঁর লোকে
দল বাঁধিয়া
লোকের সনে,
কাইজা ফ্যাসাদ্ করেছে
যা জানেই
জনে জনে
এ-গাঁর লোকেও
করতে পরখ্
লোকের বল,
অনেকবারই লাল করেছে
জলীর বিলের
জল |
তবুও ভাল, এ-গাঁও ও-গাঁও, আর
যে সবুজ
মাঝখানে তার ধূলায়
দোলে দুখান
দীঘল বাট
দুই পাশে তার
অথই রঙের
এ-গাঁর হাওয়ায়
দোলে দেখি
যাওয়ার ভেলা
In between my friend and me lies a river of honey and milk
I would fly there in a trice, but fate did not give me wings.
----Cowherd’s song
A village here, over there another ---- a vast meadow in between,
Rice stalks nod their heads, reading out stories of our times.
This village feels so empty, a lone tree here and there;
with the farming folk’s mud huts hiding behind them.
In that other village, trees grow dense, a kohl darkened eye,
Gracing the houses with loving shade.
This village gazes at them, in reply that village sighs;
No one knows how long they will keep on doing this!
In between sparkles the black depth of the Joli,
Fastened to her breast a hundred lotus bloom.
A path leads from each village down to the lake
They smile as they meet to toss more blooms into its arms!
Some have said, a farmer of this village in days long gone by,
Lost his heart to a girl from the other village over there;
He was all alone on the path, going over there in haste,
She was coming down his way, anklets marking her steps.
When they met at the lake, they seemed to lose their way
They both now sleep in its arms, lotus stems about their limbs.
Who knows whether their garlands gave birth,
To the hundred flowers dancing on the water today.
A watery mark of love upon the forehead of this earth,
Lives on like a sign of the love this village feels for the other over there!
Birds of every colour seem to flock to the water,
Together they sing a myriad songs.
When the sun sets for the day, birds fly home
Some coming to sleep here, others visiting those darkened groves.
People from both villages come to bathe
In the waters of Joli they play.
Between the two villages lie --- the call of water,
Still it never feels like we are from different places.
The waves that women fill their pots from over there,
Are the ones that come and wash the banks here.
Late in the night, a sleepless farmer playing a tune on his flute,
Gives voice to the secret pain of a woman from over there.
When the boatman here sings his songs,
A woman pauses in dawn light there, her heart catching his call.
These two villages are united only in song and longing;
In many other things they walk along, sadly far apart.
The people of both villages gang up and fight,
Everyone knows this for a fact.
In their bid to be supreme
much red has been bled into the waters.
At least there is a green field between the two villages at war,
slicing through its heart two dusty paths;
About it flow the unending colours of the nodding waves of rice,
A wind from this village sways the boat that sails over there.
I would fly there in a trice, but fate did not give me wings.
----Cowherd’s song
A village here, over there another ---- a vast meadow in between,
Rice stalks nod their heads, reading out stories of our times.
This village feels so empty, a lone tree here and there;
with the farming folk’s mud huts hiding behind them.
In that other village, trees grow dense, a kohl darkened eye,
Gracing the houses with loving shade.
This village gazes at them, in reply that village sighs;
No one knows how long they will keep on doing this!
In between sparkles the black depth of the Joli,
Fastened to her breast a hundred lotus bloom.
A path leads from each village down to the lake
They smile as they meet to toss more blooms into its arms!
Some have said, a farmer of this village in days long gone by,
Lost his heart to a girl from the other village over there;
He was all alone on the path, going over there in haste,
She was coming down his way, anklets marking her steps.
When they met at the lake, they seemed to lose their way
They both now sleep in its arms, lotus stems about their limbs.
Who knows whether their garlands gave birth,
To the hundred flowers dancing on the water today.
A watery mark of love upon the forehead of this earth,
Lives on like a sign of the love this village feels for the other over there!
Birds of every colour seem to flock to the water,
Together they sing a myriad songs.
When the sun sets for the day, birds fly home
Some coming to sleep here, others visiting those darkened groves.
People from both villages come to bathe
In the waters of Joli they play.
Between the two villages lie --- the call of water,
Still it never feels like we are from different places.
The waves that women fill their pots from over there,
Are the ones that come and wash the banks here.
Late in the night, a sleepless farmer playing a tune on his flute,
Gives voice to the secret pain of a woman from over there.
When the boatman here sings his songs,
A woman pauses in dawn light there, her heart catching his call.
These two villages are united only in song and longing;
In many other things they walk along, sadly far apart.
The people of both villages gang up and fight,
Everyone knows this for a fact.
In their bid to be supreme
much red has been bled into the waters.
At least there is a green field between the two villages at war,
slicing through its heart two dusty paths;
About it flow the unending colours of the nodding waves of rice,
A wind from this village sways the boat that sails over there.
oshadharon! Thank you for introducing me to this masterpiece of a poem!